Saturday, August 11, 2012

蝶々ちゃん part 6

The last part^^

あのう - um..
コウモリ(蝙蝠)- bat
〜になりませんか - won't you turn into~
飛ぶ(とぶ)- to fly
同じ(おなじ)- same
試します(ためします)polite form of 試す - to test
彼ら(かれら)- they (used about group where at least one is male)
いつまでも - forever
幸せ(しあわせ)に - happily 
暮らしました(くらしました)- polite past form of 暮らす - to live
終わり(おわり)- (the) end

蝶々ちゃん part 5

叫んだ - shouted 
吸血鬼(きゅうけつき)- vampire
なれば - if (you) turn into
寿命(じゅみょう)- life span
数週間(すうしゅうかん)- a few weeks
死なないでくれ - please don't die
死ぬ - die
よ - ending particle to add emphasis 
以来(いらい)- since
君(きみ)- you
世話(せわ)- care
恋(こい)した - fell in love
本当(ほんとう)に - really
ごめんなさい - I'm sorry
何(なに)- what
わかりません past polite form of わかる - to understand
首(くび)- neck
なぜ - why
ささやいて "te"-form of ささやく - to whisper
すすり泣いていました - was sobbing 
すすり泣く - to sob
影響(えいきょう)する - to influence, to affect (in this context 効く(- to be effective, to show effect) would been more natural)
~ことができなかった - can~

蝶々ちゃん part 4

I kinda forgot about this blog^^; 
I don't think anyone from Deviantart is reading anymore, but since the story's already finished I can as well upload the last pages^^

午後(ごご)- A.M., afternoon
剣(けん)- sword
持っている(もっている)- is holding
持つ - to hold
天使(てんし)- angel
自分(じぶん)- oneself
殺して(ころして)"te"-form of 殺す - to kill
人間(にんげん)- human, humankind
日没(にちぼつ)- sunset
の後(のあと)- after
薬(くすり)- potion, medicine
魔女(まじょ)- witch
飲んで(のんで)"te"-form of 飲む - to drink
受け取る(うけとる)- to take
時(とき)- when, at the time of
飲まないで - (please) don't drink
叫びました(さけびました)polite past form of 叫ぶ - to shout 

Friday, May 11, 2012

text 1 蝶々少年 part 3

Better late than never right? ^^;


経ちました(たちました)- polite past form of 経つ to pass, to lapse
第(だい)- ordinal (prefix)
二十(にじゅう)- twenty
回(かい)- counter for occurrences 
誕生日(たんじょうび)- birthday
前日(ぜんじつ)- day before
掲示板(けいじばん)- bulletin board, notice board
掲示 - notice, post
張り(はり)nominal form of 張る to paste(in this text) 
張りにいく - go to paste
行きました(いきました)past polite form of 行く- to go
明日(あした/あす)- tomorrow 
僕(ぼく)- I, me (a bit boyish)
夢(ゆめ)- dream
実現 する(じつげん)- to realize 
つもりです つもりだ - intention, plan
〜てください - please (when asking someone to do something)
朝(あさ)- morning
午前中(ごぜんちゅう)- in the morning
町人  - merchant
買って (かって) "te"-form of 買う - to buy
それ - it, that
〜ように like (a ~)
美しく(うつくしく)-beautifully 美しい- beautiful
見える(みえる)- to be seen, to appear 
でしょう polite form of だろう - seems, I think
〜けど - but
本当(ほんとう)- truth, reality 
それから - and then, after that
答えました(こたえました)past polite form of 答える - to answer
去りました(さりました)past polite form of 去る - to leave

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Text 1 蝶々少年 part 2

I finally got around to uploading the next partxD
Can't believe how terrible I am at updating stuff regularly^ ^; 


ある日(あるひ)- one day (not for counting days)
十歳(じゅうさい)- ten year old
家(いえ)- house
移動しました(いどうしました)polite past form of 移動する to move, to migrate 
引っ越す(ひっこす)- to move (to a different house), (I know it's not in the story but it would've been a bit more natural in this context)
彼 (かれ)- he 
は - topic marker particle, pronounced "wa"
いつも - always
なりたい - want to become "です" added for politeness 
なる - become (u-verb)
と - if, when, and, with or a particle used to quote something
言っていました (いっていました)polite past form of 言っている is saying
言う - to say
から - because, from, (after, since when following the te-form of a verb) 
村人 (むらびと)- villagers
呼ばれていました (よばれていました)polite past form of 呼ばれているbeing called
呼ばれる - to be called (a name), to be referred to (as)
一人で (ひとりで)- alone
住んでいました (すんでいました)- polite past form of 住んでいる is living
住む - to live (at place/location)
最初 (さいしょ)- first, beginning 
心配しました (しんぱいしました)polite past form of 心配する to worry
心配 - worry (noun)
でも - but
危険な(きけんな)- dangerous 
危険 - danger, hazard 
動物 (どうぶつ)- animal
も - here a particle meaning "also, too"
ぜんぜん - not at all, never (with negative verb) or entirely, completely
近く (ちかく)- near, close to
来ませんでした(きませんでした)- polite, past, negative form of 来る(くる)to come, to arrive (irregular ru-verb)
そして - and, and then (used in the beginning of sentences) 
毎朝 (まいあさ)- every morning 
誰か (だれか)- someone
前 (まえ)- before
で - here a particle indicating location of action
食べ物 (たべもの)- food
を - here a particle indicating a direct object
残した (のこした)- plain, past form of 残す to leave (transitive verb)
時々 (ときどき)- sometimes
衣服 (いふく)- clothes
お金 (おかね)-money
だからこそ - for this reason 
なくなりました - past polite form of なくなる - to disappear 


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Text 1 蝶々少年 part 1

Finally my first real entry^ ^ 
I should be studying for my conversation test tomorrow, or finish a text about nuclear and alternative energy(in japanese...), also due tomorrow. So the introduction going to be really short^ ^;
 About the story; I wrote this at the end of my first semester studying japanese, when we got to write a fairy tale. And since I love fairy tales I wrote like three times as much as we had to and illustrated it.
 It's named by one of my classmates who thought chouchoushou sounded funny when  I tried to think of different titles for a fairy tale about butterflies.. and the story is based on title, So don't expect anything too serious^ ^; 

Also this story is written in very simple japanese. And more importantly (though not for this page) the characters aren't speaking very natural japanese but rather how a foreigner would speak(for obvious reasons) or possibly how someone japanese would speak to a foreigner to be understood. 

単語(たんご)- Vocabulary 

蝶々 (ちょうちょう)- butterfly 
少年 (しょうねん)- boy
昔々(むかしむかし)- a long time ago
静か (しずか)- quiet, peaceful 
で - Te-form of the copula (だ) used to bind together adjectives when the first one is a na-adjective/nominal adjective/adjectival noun (there's even more english terms for the na- adjectives, but I believe these three are the most common.) 
きれいな きれい - beautiful, clean (na-adjective, here it ends with na(a special form of the copula) because it's placed before a noun.)
森 (もり)- forest
の -  is a particle that, among other uses, connects two nouns. Here; mori no naka-> the forest's inside-> in the forest
中 (なか)- inside, in
に -  is also particle with many uses, in this story it will be used as location, time or passive agent  indicator
小さい - small (i-adjective
村 (むら)- village
が -  even another particle with many uses, here it will used to indicate the subject or object of sentences.
ありました Polite, past form of ある - to be (usually inanimate objects), to exist, to live, to have, to be located, to happen. Don't worry about the many translations, it's usually really easy to tell from the context.
近く (ちかく)- near, neighborhood, close to
空き家 (あきや)- unoccupied house, vacant house

Good luck translating the first page^ ^
I will post the next page when I have time. 
Since I don't know if anyone actually reads this I'm not that motivated to take time from my actual school work.

If anyone has any questions just post a comment!
Now I have to write about accidents at nuclear power plants, the nuclear waste storage problem and other energy related issues..

次回まで頑張ってね^ ^

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hiragana and Katakana

Here's the Hiragana and Katakana charts I promised^ ^
I don't recommend using them to learn how to write the characters though. They're only supposed to be used as reference when reading. Don't use them as reference when writing unless you already practiced writing the character and remember the stroke order when you see it.
 If you want to learn to write the characters I recommend using this site TJP-hiragana. It's the best site I found with writing instructions. (that's free)

I won't write much about pronunciation here, since you learn it by listening not reading. That the vowel u often is dropped when between the consonants and at the end of utterances is worth mentioning though. e.g.
好きです-suki desu=ski desu (I) like (it) (polite form)
ディスコ-disuko=disko disco
英語が話せますか-eigo ga hanasemasuka=eego ga hanasemaska Can (you) speak english?

Hope this is useful^ ^
The first text will be up next week!
