Saturday, September 24, 2011


I finally got around to starting this blog\(^ ^)/
Much thanks to the people on deviantart saying they'll read it. (So I hope you actually will read this..)
To not be overambitious, mess up the blog and end up only submitting random stuff(already have a blog for that^ ^;) I decided to focus on vocabulary and kanji.
I'm not completely sure how I'll work with it, but think it'll be something like this:

Every week: I'll upload a text with vocabulary. I'll also upload a translation to previous weeks text and answer eventual questions in the comments .
Whenever I' have time: I'll upload kanji and vocabulary cards. ...and of course make random updates on this blog to.. but only if it's relevant for learning japanese^ ^

So that's it for the introduction. To add some useful information to this post, here's websites I really recommend: It's thanks to this site I managed to learn hiragana and katakana before I started studying japanese at school. Great if you want to learn to read manga in japanese.  My favorite online dictionary.

The hiragana and katakana charts I promised in my deviantart journal will later tonight!

1 comment:

  1. lolz told ou i would read it!! XDD this is pinxxchoxii, BTW.
    HURRY UP, TEACHER!! I WANNA LEARN!! {.....this is a first...}
