Sunday, October 2, 2011

Text 1 蝶々少年 part 1

Finally my first real entry^ ^ 
I should be studying for my conversation test tomorrow, or finish a text about nuclear and alternative energy(in japanese...), also due tomorrow. So the introduction going to be really short^ ^;
 About the story; I wrote this at the end of my first semester studying japanese, when we got to write a fairy tale. And since I love fairy tales I wrote like three times as much as we had to and illustrated it.
 It's named by one of my classmates who thought chouchoushou sounded funny when  I tried to think of different titles for a fairy tale about butterflies.. and the story is based on title, So don't expect anything too serious^ ^; 

Also this story is written in very simple japanese. And more importantly (though not for this page) the characters aren't speaking very natural japanese but rather how a foreigner would speak(for obvious reasons) or possibly how someone japanese would speak to a foreigner to be understood. 

単語(たんご)- Vocabulary 

蝶々 (ちょうちょう)- butterfly 
少年 (しょうねん)- boy
昔々(むかしむかし)- a long time ago
静か (しずか)- quiet, peaceful 
で - Te-form of the copula (だ) used to bind together adjectives when the first one is a na-adjective/nominal adjective/adjectival noun (there's even more english terms for the na- adjectives, but I believe these three are the most common.) 
きれいな きれい - beautiful, clean (na-adjective, here it ends with na(a special form of the copula) because it's placed before a noun.)
森 (もり)- forest
の -  is a particle that, among other uses, connects two nouns. Here; mori no naka-> the forest's inside-> in the forest
中 (なか)- inside, in
に -  is also particle with many uses, in this story it will be used as location, time or passive agent  indicator
小さい - small (i-adjective
村 (むら)- village
が -  even another particle with many uses, here it will used to indicate the subject or object of sentences.
ありました Polite, past form of ある - to be (usually inanimate objects), to exist, to live, to have, to be located, to happen. Don't worry about the many translations, it's usually really easy to tell from the context.
近く (ちかく)- near, neighborhood, close to
空き家 (あきや)- unoccupied house, vacant house

Good luck translating the first page^ ^
I will post the next page when I have time. 
Since I don't know if anyone actually reads this I'm not that motivated to take time from my actual school work.

If anyone has any questions just post a comment!
Now I have to write about accidents at nuclear power plants, the nuclear waste storage problem and other energy related issues..

次回まで頑張ってね^ ^